Opening the Camera Configuration Tool
Click the Camera Configuration Tool icon located on your computer desktop screen, or go to the Windows Start Menu → All Programs → Oncam Grandeye → Camera Configuration Tool to launch the program.
When the Camera Configuration Tool opens, it will look like this:
The menu bar at the top left hand side of the window comprises 3 options : -
Application: allows you to Exit the software
Language: allows you to change the software language
Help: provides information about the Camera Configuration Tool version
Discovering and Viewing Cameras on the Network
1. Open the Product Filter field drop-down list, and select the camera type to be displayed. There are currently 4 types of cameras that can be selected:
- Halocam Camera
- Evolution-05 Mini
- Evolution-05 Camera
- Evolution-12 Camera
- Evolution 180 Camera
Only those cameras of the product type selected above will be displayed in the list. These should automatically be populated with all the selected camera type found on the network.
2. Refresh List
If necessary, click the “Refresh List” button to automatically rediscover all cameras on the network and display them dependent on the selection in the Product Filter drop down. This sends a multicast message and waits for replies from the IP Cameras. Details of connected cameras will then be displayed.
3. Full Discover
This is another mechanism to automatically discover all cameras on the network. This also sends a multicast message, waits
for replies from the IP cameras, and then sends an HTTP request for further details from each camera. The camera’s username and passwords need to be entered for HTTP requests (admin by default).
4. Add Camera by IP Address
Alternatively, enter the IP address of your camera manually and Add to List. (The default port is 80 but it is subject to camera
settings). This will query the network for a camera at the specified address and, if successful, display the camera details in the list. The camera model must match the selected product type to be entered into the list.
If the IP address of the camera is not accessible due to network configurations of the camera and the PC, the Camera Configuration Tool will attempt to allocate the local PC with a link-local address (in the range of –, which requires administrative privileges. To run the application as an Administrator, right-click the Camera Configuration Tool icon and select “Run As Administrator”.
This allows the user to open the selected camera web configuration page for the selected camera to perform advanced configuration.
Select one or more cameras from the list and click the desired web browser button, depending on your computer’s installation. If that web browser is not installed, then the default one will automatically open.
You will have to enter the User Id and Password for each camera selected. Default values are:
Username : admin
Password : admin
Camera Configuration
Camera Configuration Tab:
The Camera Configuration tab can be used to perform multiple simultaneous operations on the cameras listed, such as sending commands or setting new values. You can also Save and Restore your configuration, use an external configuration file to send commands to cameras, and Reboot multiple cameras at once.
Send command to camera
This allows a pre-defined command to be sent to one or more cameras at any one time. First select/tick the camera(s) you wish to send the command to; then open the drop-down list to select a command to send:
Click Send to apply the command.
First select / tick the camera(s) you wish to send the command to then Open the drop-down list to select the ‘factoryreset.cgi’ command and click Send:
NOTE: a factory reset can also be done directly via the hardware button on the side of the camera / or from within the camera webpage.
After the command is executed, the following pop-up windows will appear:
Save/Restore Configuration
The camera settings can be saved into a file on your computer and restored later if needs be. Select one or multiple cameras from the list and click the Save Configuration button.
The settings of each cameras will be saved in a separate file “camera_settings.ecs” for each camera. You will be asked to select a location for each file.
When saving the configuration of multiple cameras at once, be careful to rename each file accordingly before pressing the Save button, or select a different location to avoid replacing a current file with a new one with the same name.
NOTE: on Evolution cameras, not all the camera settings are saved using this function.
Restore configuration file
1. In the camera list, use the checkboxes to select the camera onto which you wish to restore the configuration
2. Select the Camera Configuration tab
3. Click Restore Configuration
4. Browse to the file which contains the saved settings and click Open
5. Repeat from Step 1 for each individual cameras
The Reboot button enables one or more cameras to be rebooted simultaneously.
Upgrading Cameras
See article: Evolution Range - Performing a Firmware Upgrade/Downgrade – Oncam Support Centre
Network Settings
The Network Settings tab enables network settings to be sent to many cameras at a time.
1. To retrieve network settings from a single camera, select Get Network Settings. This will populate the fields shown above with the camera’s static IP Settings. If DHCP is enabled, these static settings are not in use. The camera’s active IP settings are shown in the camera table above.
2. To save network settings to many cameras, select the cameras you wish to configure and Save Network Settings. For the settings to be sent to the camera, you must define a Default Gateway (even if one does not exist on your network). The Subnet Mask must match the Static IP Address and the Default Gateway, even if DHCP is switched on.
3. To send sequential static IP Addresses to a series of cameras, select the cameras you wish to configure, enter the starting IP address, subnet mask and gateway and Save Network Settings. The same subnet mask and gateway will be sent to all cameras. The application will give you an opportunity to review the IP addresses before sending them to the cameras.